It returns a tibble with the predictions from all the terms in a polar_gam model.
origin = NULL,
exclude_terms = NULL,
length_out = 50,
values = NULL,
return_ci = FALSE,
ci_z = 1.96
- model
A polar_gam model object.
- origin
The coordinates of the origin as a vector of
c(x, y)
coordinates.- exclude_terms
Terms to be excluded from the prediction. Term names should be given as they appear in the model summary (for example,
).- length_out
An integer indicating how many values along the numeric predictors to use for predicting the outcome term (the default is
).- values
User supplied values for numeric terms as a named list.
- return_ci
Whether to return a tibble with cartesian confidence intervals (for use with geom_polar_ci).
- ci_z
The z-value for calculating the CIs (the default is
for 95 percent CI).
A tibble with predictions from a polar_gam model.
The function converts the coordinates from polar to cartesian automatically.
To see an example of plotting, see the examples in geom_polar_ci.
# \donttest{
tongue_it01 <- filter(tongue, speaker == "it01")
it01_pol <- polar_gam(Y ~ s(X, by = c2_place) + s(X, word, bs = "fs"),
data = tongue_it01)
#> The origin is x = 14.3901267816422, y = -65.2315420525846.
# get predictions
it01_pred <- predict_polar_gam(it01_pol)
# get predictions excluding the random smooth for word (the coefficient for
# the random smooth is set to 0)
it01_excl_rand <- predict_polar_gam(it01_pol, exclude_terms = "s(X,word)")
# }