It returns a tibble with the predictions from all the terms in a gam or bam model.

predict_gam(model, exclude_terms = NULL, length_out = 50, values = NULL)



A gam or bam model object.


Terms to be excluded from the prediction. Term names should be given as they appear in the model summary (for example, "s(x0,x1)").


An integer indicating how many values along the numeric predictors to use for predicting the outcome term (the default is 50).


User supplied values for specific terms as a named list. If the value is NULL, the first value of the term is selected (useful when excluding terms).


A tibble with predictions from a gam or bam model.


if (FALSE) { library(mgcv) set.seed(10) data <- gamSim(4) model <- gam(y ~ fac + s(x2) + s(x2, by = fac) + s(x0), data = data) # get predictions p <- predict_gam(model) # get predictions excluding x0 (the coefficient of x0 is set to 0); # setting the value for the excluded term to NULL with the argument 'values' # reduces computation time p_2 <- predict_gam(model, exclude_terms = "s(x0)", values = list(x0 = NULL)) # get predictions with chosen values of x0 p_3 <- predict_gam(model, values = list(x0 = c(0.250599, 0.503313, 0.756028))) }