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Return predictions from a GAM model generated with mgcv. The output can be plotted with plot().


  length_out = 10,
  values = NULL,
  series = NULL,
  exclude_terms = NULL,
  ci_z = 1.96,
  tran_fun = NULL,
  separate = NULL,
  sep_by = "\\."



A gam or bam model object.


An integer indicating how many values to use along the numeric variables for predicting the response (the default is 10).


User supplied values for specific variables as a named list.


A string specifying the variable that corresponds to the series to be plotted on the $x$-axis. If a string is given, the other numeric variables in the model are set to their mean value, unless specific values are given in values. If a character vector of two strings is given, the two variables will be taken as the elements of a tensor product smooth. This allows the user to plot 2D raster plots.


Terms to be excluded from the prediction. Term names should be given as they appear in the model summary (for example, "s(x0,x1)").


The z-value for calculating the CIs (the default is 1.96 for 95 percent CI).


Function to use for transforming the predicted values and CIs.


Names list of factor interaction variables to be separated.


Character to separate by (the default is \\.).


A tibble with predictions.



sim_data_1 <- gamSim(1, n = 200, scale = 2)
#> Gu & Wahba 4 term additive model
model <- gam(y ~ x0 + s(I(x1^2)) + s(x2) + offset(x3), data = sim_data_1)
#> Warning: Could not recover model data from environment. Please make sure your
#>   data is available in your workspace.
#>   Trying to retrieve data from the model frame now.
#> # A tibble: 1,331 × 8
#>        x0        x1      x2    x3         y        se  lower_ci  upper_ci
#>     <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl[1d]> <dbl[1d]> <dbl[1d]> <dbl[1d]>
#>  1 0.0144 0.0000639 0.00217     0   -0.247      0.874     -1.96      1.47
#>  2 0.112  0.0000639 0.00217     0   -0.151      0.853     -1.82      1.52
#>  3 0.209  0.0000639 0.00217     0   -0.0548     0.837     -1.69      1.58
#>  4 0.306  0.0000639 0.00217     0    0.0414     0.824     -1.57      1.66
#>  5 0.403  0.0000639 0.00217     0    0.138      0.815     -1.46      1.73
#>  6 0.501  0.0000639 0.00217     0    0.234      0.810     -1.35      1.82
#>  7 0.598  0.0000639 0.00217     0    0.330      0.810     -1.26      1.92
#>  8 0.695  0.0000639 0.00217     0    0.426      0.815     -1.17      2.02
#>  9 0.792  0.0000639 0.00217     0    0.522      0.823     -1.09      2.14
#> 10 0.890  0.0000639 0.00217     0    0.619      0.836     -1.02      2.26
#> # ℹ 1,321 more rows
predict_gam(model, values = list(x0 = mean(sim_data_1$x0)))
#> Warning: Could not recover model data from environment. Please make sure your
#>   data is available in your workspace.
#>   Trying to retrieve data from the model frame now.
#> # A tibble: 121 × 8
#>       x0        x1      x2    x3         y        se  lower_ci  upper_ci
#>    <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl[1d]> <dbl[1d]> <dbl[1d]> <dbl[1d]>
#>  1 0.474 0.0000639 0.00217     0     0.207     0.811    -1.38       1.80
#>  2 0.474 0.0998    0.00217     0     0.249     0.808    -1.33       1.83
#>  3 0.474 0.200     0.00217     0     0.375     0.799    -1.19       1.94
#>  4 0.474 0.299     0.00217     0     0.584     0.790    -0.963      2.13
#>  5 0.474 0.399     0.00217     0     0.876     0.786    -0.664      2.42
#>  6 0.474 0.499     0.00217     0     1.26      0.787    -0.282      2.80
#>  7 0.474 0.598     0.00217     0     1.78      0.790     0.233      3.33
#>  8 0.474 0.698     0.00217     0     2.48      0.790     0.932      4.03
#>  9 0.474 0.798     0.00217     0     3.38      0.795     1.82       4.94
#> 10 0.474 0.898     0.00217     0     4.50      0.826     2.88       6.12
#> # ℹ 111 more rows
predict_gam(model, series = "x2")
#> Warning: Could not recover model data from environment. Please make sure your
#>   data is available in your workspace.
#>   Trying to retrieve data from the model frame now.
#> # A tibble: 11 × 8
#>       x0    x1      x2    x3         y        se  lower_ci  upper_ci
#>    <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl[1d]> <dbl[1d]> <dbl[1d]> <dbl[1d]>
#>  1 0.474 0.362 0.00217     0     0.757     0.787    -0.785      2.30
#>  2 0.474 0.362 0.102       0     7.36      0.478     6.42       8.30
#>  3 0.474 0.362 0.202       0    11.5       0.489    10.6       12.5 
#>  4 0.474 0.362 0.301       0    10.4       0.452     9.51      11.3 
#>  5 0.474 0.362 0.401       0     6.93      0.440     6.07       7.79
#>  6 0.474 0.362 0.501       0     6.53      0.517     5.52       7.55
#>  7 0.474 0.362 0.601       0     7.05      0.463     6.14       7.96
#>  8 0.474 0.362 0.701       0     5.79      0.467     4.88       6.71
#>  9 0.474 0.362 0.800       0     3.69      0.496     2.72       4.66
#> 10 0.474 0.362 0.900       0     2.44      0.458     1.54       3.33
#> 11 0.474 0.362 1.00        0     3.14      0.701     1.76       4.51
predict_gam(model, exclude_terms = "s(I(x1^2))")
#> Warning: Could not recover model data from environment. Please make sure your
#>   data is available in your workspace.
#>   Trying to retrieve data from the model frame now.
#> # A tibble: 121 × 7
#>        x0      x2    x3     y    se lower_ci upper_ci
#>     <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
#>  1 0.0144 0.00217     0  1.55 0.767  0.0427      3.05
#>  2 0.112  0.00217     0  1.64 0.826  0.0224      3.26
#>  3 0.209  0.00217     0  1.74 0.886  0.00220     3.47
#>  4 0.306  0.00217     0  1.83 0.945 -0.0180      3.69
#>  5 0.403  0.00217     0  1.93 1.00  -0.0383      3.90
#>  6 0.501  0.00217     0  2.03 1.06  -0.0585      4.11
#>  7 0.598  0.00217     0  2.12 1.12  -0.0788      4.32
#>  8 0.695  0.00217     0  2.22 1.18  -0.0990      4.54
#>  9 0.792  0.00217     0  2.32 1.24  -0.119       4.75
#> 10 0.890  0.00217     0  2.41 1.30  -0.139       4.96
#> # ℹ 111 more rows

# By-variables
sim_data_2 <- gamSim(4)
#> Factor `by' variable example
model_2 <- gam(y ~ s(x2, by = fac) + s(x0), data = sim_data_2)
#> Warning: Could not recover model data from environment. Please make sure your
#>   data is available in your workspace.
#>   Trying to retrieve data from the model frame now.
#> # A tibble: 363 × 7
#>         x2 fac        x0         y        se  lower_ci  upper_ci
#>      <dbl> <fct>   <dbl> <dbl[1d]> <dbl[1d]> <dbl[1d]> <dbl[1d]>
#>  1 0.00161 2     0.00130   -0.789      0.609    -1.98      0.405
#>  2 0.101   2     0.00130   -0.612      0.417    -1.43      0.206
#>  3 0.201   2     0.00130   -0.407      0.352    -1.10      0.283
#>  4 0.300   2     0.00130   -0.0976     0.352    -0.788     0.592
#>  5 0.399   2     0.00130    0.335      0.363    -0.377     1.05 
#>  6 0.499   2     0.00130    0.861      0.371     0.133     1.59 
#>  7 0.598   2     0.00130    1.49       0.372     0.761     2.22 
#>  8 0.698   2     0.00130    2.24       0.370     1.52      2.97 
#>  9 0.797   2     0.00130    3.12       0.384     2.36      3.87 
#> 10 0.897   2     0.00130    4.10       0.463     3.19      5.01 
#> # ℹ 353 more rows

# Poisson data
sim_data_3 <- sim_data_2
sim_data_3$y <- round(sim_data_2$y) + 20
model_3 <- gam(y ~ s(x2, by = fac), data = sim_data_3, family = poisson)
predict_gam(model_3, length_out = 50)
#> Warning: Could not recover model data from environment. Please make sure your
#>   data is available in your workspace.
#>   Trying to retrieve data from the model frame now.
#> # A tibble: 153 × 6
#>         x2 fac           y        se  lower_ci  upper_ci
#>      <dbl> <fct> <dbl[1d]> <dbl[1d]> <dbl[1d]> <dbl[1d]>
#>  1 0.00161 2          2.94    0.0382      2.86      3.01
#>  2 0.0215  2          2.94    0.0358      2.87      3.01
#>  3 0.0414  2          2.95    0.0336      2.88      3.01
#>  4 0.0613  2          2.95    0.0314      2.89      3.01
#>  5 0.0812  2          2.95    0.0295      2.90      3.01
#>  6 0.101   2          2.96    0.0276      2.90      3.01
#>  7 0.121   2          2.96    0.0260      2.91      3.01
#>  8 0.141   2          2.97    0.0245      2.92      3.01
#>  9 0.161   2          2.97    0.0231      2.92      3.01
#> 10 0.181   2          2.97    0.0220      2.93      3.02
#> # ℹ 143 more rows
predict_gam(model_3, length_out = 50, tran_fun = exp)
#> Warning: Could not recover model data from environment. Please make sure your
#>   data is available in your workspace.
#>   Trying to retrieve data from the model frame now.
#> # A tibble: 153 × 6
#>         x2 fac           y        se  lower_ci  upper_ci
#>      <dbl> <fct> <dbl[1d]> <dbl[1d]> <dbl[1d]> <dbl[1d]>
#>  1 0.00161 2          18.9    0.0382      17.5      20.4
#>  2 0.0215  2          19.0    0.0358      17.7      20.3
#>  3 0.0414  2          19.0    0.0336      17.8      20.3
#>  4 0.0613  2          19.1    0.0314      18.0      20.3
#>  5 0.0812  2          19.2    0.0295      18.1      20.3
#>  6 0.101   2          19.3    0.0276      18.2      20.3
#>  7 0.121   2          19.3    0.0260      18.4      20.3
#>  8 0.141   2          19.4    0.0245      18.5      20.4
#>  9 0.161   2          19.5    0.0231      18.6      20.4
#> 10 0.181   2          19.6    0.0220      18.7      20.4
#> # ℹ 143 more rows

# Bivariate smooths
model_4 <- gam(y ~ te(x1, x2), data = sim_data_1)
#> Warning: Could not recover model data from environment. Please make sure your
#>   data is available in your workspace.
#>   Trying to retrieve data from the model frame now.
#> # A tibble: 121 × 6
#>         x1      x2         y        se  lower_ci  upper_ci
#>      <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl[1d]> <dbl[1d]> <dbl[1d]> <dbl[1d]>
#>  1 0.00799 0.00217      4.24     1.62       1.06      7.42
#>  2 0.107   0.00217      3.81     1.21       1.44      6.17
#>  3 0.206   0.00217      3.45     1.03       1.43      5.47
#>  4 0.305   0.00217      3.25     0.996      1.30      5.21
#>  5 0.404   0.00217      3.24     0.997      1.29      5.20
#>  6 0.503   0.00217      3.40     1.01       1.42      5.38
#>  7 0.602   0.00217      3.71     0.958      1.83      5.58
#>  8 0.701   0.00217      4.17     0.916      2.38      5.97
#>  9 0.801   0.00217      4.85     1.03       2.83      6.88
#> 10 0.900   0.00217      5.74     1.39       3.00      8.47
#> # ℹ 111 more rows