Yinne was originally created as part of the world-building for a story set in a distant future where humans have colonised space, but still lack the technology for hyper-speed, so travel between different settlements is a lengthy and difficult endeavour, and many settlements are very isolated communities. The main idea was to create a language that relies heavily on the speakers’ shared knowledge and their cultural understanding, a language where not much is said and lots is implied, something you could get away with in a close-knit community. The result is an agglutinative language with a relatively simple grammar, but lots of optionality when it comes to argument structure.
Mmota nnuyenni yaliseka
mmo-ta nnuyen-ni yaliseka
1SG-S rain-O hear
'I hear the rain.'
Nnuyenni yaliseka
nnuyen-ni yaliseka
rain-O hear
'The rain, I hear.'
Mmo nnuyen yaliseka
mmo nnuyen yaliseka
1SG rain hear
'I hear the rain.'