class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Today’s coarticulation is tomorrow’s sound change ##
Insights from dynamic articulatory data ### Stefano Coretta ### University of Edinburgh ### 2022/01/27 --- class: center middle inverse # Background --- # Coarticulation and sound change[ **Coarticulation** is a known factor in the development of sound change. ] --[ Speech is a complex system of **finely coordinated movements that unfold in time**. ] --[ What can **dynamic articulatory data** tells us about sound change? ] --- # Two case studies[ **Case study 1** * Tongue root position and timing of oral closure in VC sequences. * Ultrasound tongue imaging of Italian and Polish. ][ **Case Study 2** * Glottal spread and timing of oral closure in VC sequences. * Electroglottography of Italian and Polish. ] --- class: center middle inverse # Case study 1 ## Italian and Polish: Voicing and tongue root advancement --- background-image: url(img/vibration-closure.png) background-size: contain --- background-image: url(img/closure-duration.png) background-size: contain # Closure duration --- background-image: url(img/tongue-root-1.png) background-size: contain # Tongue root<br>position --- background-image: url(img/tongue-root-2.png) background-size: contain # Tongue root<br>position --- background-image: url(img/tongue-root-3.png) background-size: contain # Tongue root<br>position --- # Ultrasound tongue imaging (UTI) ![](img/uti.png) --- # Tongue root movement within the vowel .center[![:scale 90%](img/tongue-root-vowel.png)] --- # Tongue root position and vowel duration .center[![](img/tongue-root-vowel-dur.png)] --- # From synchrony to diachrony .pull-left[ ![](img/root-duration-syn.png) ] -- .pull-right[ ![](img/root-duration-dia.png) ] --- # Afterthoughts - Findings are in line with previous work on tongue root .f6[(Kent & Moll 1969; Perkell 1969; Westbury 1983; Ahn 2018; Vazquez-Alvarez & Hewlett 2007)]. -- - Tongue root movement onset during the articulation of the vowel. - Advancement both when following stop is voiced *and* voiceless. -- - Later closure onset has double advantage: -- 1. A greater degree of tongue root advancement is achieved at vowel offset/closure onset. 2. The stop closure is shorter. -- - Double advantage as a catalyst for sound change. -- - Positive feedback loop of productions with later closure onset. -- - **Mean VT/VD difference: 0.77 mm.** For every **+1 ms** of vowel duration, about **+0.065 mm** advancement of the tongue. -- - For an average closure of 70-90 ms, estimated maximum advancement of 4.55 to 5.85 mm. - Matches the observed maximum advancement of previous work .f6[(Rothenberg 1967)]. --- class: center middle inverse # Case study 2 ## Italian and Polish: Voicelessness and glottal abduction --- background-image: url(img/voiceless-closure.png) background-size: contain --- background-image: url(img/glottal-spread.png) background-size: contain # Increase supraglottal pressure --- # Electroglottography .center[ ![](img/egg-setup.png) ] --- # Glottal abduction within the vowel .center[![:scale 90%](img/glottal-abduction.png)] --- # From synchony... .center[ ![:scale 60%](img/spread-duration-syn.png) ] --- # diachrony .pull-left[ **Emergence of preaspiration** <br>.f6[(Nı́ Chasaide 1985; Stevens, Keyser & Kawasaki 2014)] ![](img/spread-duration-dia-1.png) ] -- .pull-right[ **Preemption of preaspiration emergence** .f6[(Lisker 1974)] ![](img/spread-duration-dia-2.png) ] --- # Afterthoughts - Findings are compatible with reported presence of preaspiration in Italian .f6[(Nı́ Chasaide & Gobl 1993; Stevens & Hajek 2004a; Stevens & Hajek 2004b; Stevens & Hajek 2010; Stevens 2010; Stevens & Reubold 2014)]. -- - Increased glottal abduction as precursor of voiceless pre-aspiration .f6[(Berg 1958; Rothenberg 1967; Ohala 2011)]. -- - Emergence of preaspiration. -- - Earlier glottal spread first > then shorter closure .f6[(Nı́ Chasaide 1985; Stevens, Keyser & Kawasaki 2014)]. -- - Prevention of preaspiration. -- - Earlier glottal spread first > then earlier closure .f6[(Lisker 1974)] --- # Bringing it all together[ Detailed **articulatory descriptions based on dynamic speech data** can shed light on possible pathways of sound change. ] --[ The orchestration of finely coordinated movements contributes to the **pool of variability from which sound change can unfold**. ] --[ Recent technological advancements have opened up new avenues of inquiry about the **role of coarticulation in the unfolding of sound change**. ] --- class: center middle inverse # THANKS! For references, see <>